Max Avery

High Level Connector

The Most Interesting Max in the World


Business Development Executive

Max Avery

High Level Connector

The Most Interesting Max in the World


Business Development Executive

Blog Post

Building a High Value Network

January 6, 2023 General
Building a High Value Network

Within my circles, I am generally known as a “connector,” and as a result, I get lots of calls, texts, and emails from folks seeking an introduction or guidance on whom they should speak to for a particular matter. 
Many people have asked me over the years how I got to know so many people and built such an extensive list of contacts, and it’s just been my natural thought process as a bit of an extrovert and someone who enjoys good conversation and helping others. However, I recognize that there are a few key activities I do that have strengthened my ability to create and maintain lasting connections, and I wanted to put together a few of these tips for how to create a highly valuable, world-class network for you and your business that will make you stand out.

Identify your expertise.

What is are you great at that makes you stand out from the crowd? Make a list, narrow down the most substantial elements you possess. Successful people want to surround themselves with other successful people. Whatever you do, become the most proficient at it that you can.

Get the word out

Let the world know about you, what you’re interested in and what you can do. Added value, putting yourself out there, and getting results are three of the most critical things you can do.

Simple and authentic social media

It’s time to ditch the sales-speak and “keep it real” — To develop relationships and networking over a long period is a very long-term strategy. I want to interact with real people with real goals that have real value. Having an authentic conversation with someone will take you way further than any number of generic automated messages ever will.

Get involved in “Mastermind” groups

Joining specific groups, which include like-minded peers with similar goals, is one of the most effective ways to expand your network and allow you to meet people more easily. Link up your people and find out who they are.

Build a Contact List

You should prepare a spreadsheet that contains all the names and contacts of people you know already, as well as those you wish to meet in the future. At this point, I have a pretty extensive contact sheet with people I know, what they do, and how to reach them, plus a fair number of people I haven’t talked to yet. I go over this list regularly and follow up with people as necessary based on relevant information I may have for them or give them any leads I may have come across to help them.

Maintain contact and follow up on others’ progress

There is a common mistake that most people make in not doing this. An old saying says “the fortune is in the follow up.” Try to set a schedule to connect with people at least every 90 days. By doing this, I am showing you my investment and my desire to develop a relationship that will last a lifetime.

Do your best to publicize your network

Social proof of your association with others in a space is a great way to establish your peer group and build authority. Sharing pictures or posts of your friends with your connections is okay, but don’t try to make it so over the top that you don’t care about their relationships. It is possible that people can hurt their credibility by taking things too far or just looking like a fan.

Embrace a broad range of contacts

As a result of building an army of people who are on the same level as you, it will be easier to get attention and establish other connections. It is common for people to focus on networking with people they think are three steps ahead of them, but the best way to start is by networking with people on the same level as yourself.

Get in touch directly, one-on-one

Taking people out to coffee, lunch or jumping on a video call and chatting with them is a great idea. When you are intentional and take the time to connect face-to-face with people, they are more likely to remember you and what you have going on.

Use someone’s methods and broadcast your success

A great way to get some visibility is to use someone else’s system, knock it out of the park, and put out info on how great it worked. You’ll certainly get noticed by the person who developed the program, and getting results and being a success story will help you garner support from their camp.

It’s a big deal, I promise. When you see someone crush it with your system, tips, and strategies, there is no greater feeling. There is a high likelihood that the person will remember your name and take your call, or at the very least, know who you are. After that, you can hopefully build a relationship with that person of influence.

Connect with “Up-and-Comers” and build a relationship with them

What kind of people are you connecting with, and what kind of impact will they have on what you’re doing in the long run? Make sure you keep in touch with those who will succeed in your endeavors. After a few years, you realize how much you value those relationships you built.

Introduce other people

Don’t be afraid to connect with people. Provide real value by acting as a bridge between people in your network who have a challenge and someone who has a solution you believe in. Becoming the go-to person pays dividends. You keep your name fresh in people’s minds, and connecting with people is easy.

Become a true networking authority

Take the first step. Bringing incredible people together is one of the best things you can do. Be the one to connect incredible people, and watch your network explode as you become the one who connects them! As a result, I now host events regularly and try to put people in the same room together as often as possible.

In conclusion, take your networking seriously. Networking is a valuable skill that can open up countless opportunities. Integrate these tips in your weekly routine, and you can become an effective networker and establish connections that could take you far.

Remember that this is a long-term game. Be confident and have a positive attitude, never underestimate the power of small talk, always follow up after meetings, and keep your professional goals in mind.

Networking is not about just having a ton of contacts. It is about being social, understanding people’s needs, and building mutually beneficial relationships. Take it one relationship at a time, and you’ll create a more robust network than ever.