Max Avery

High Level Connector

The Most Interesting Max in the World


Business Development Executive

Max Avery

High Level Connector

The Most Interesting Max in the World


Business Development Executive

Blog Post

Max Avery’s Daily Habits to Get Ahead

September 28, 2023 General
Max Avery’s Daily Habits to Get Ahead

So maybe the “Million Dollar Morning Routine” posts are worn out. However, I really believe that there’s some genuine importance to getting your day started right. Whether you consider yourself a morning person or not, waking up and taking charge of your day is the best way to build momentum of things going your way. Early risers are richer and often far more productive than those who ride the snooze button. If you’re looking to drive your success, you’ll benefit from getting enough sleep and starting your day before your competition.

People who wake up early tend to be more successful and productive. If you want to boost your success, it’s a good idea to get enough sleep and start your day before most others.

By waking up earlier than usual, I have time to exercise, eat breakfast, and plan out my day. When the alarm goes off, it’s important to get out of bed. Anyone can become an early riser with a bit of practice. You can start adjusting your wake-up time by moving your alarm a few minutes earlier each night.

You’ll find your right wake-up time when you can start getting everything you need to accomplished without feeling rushed. The key is sticking to your schedule, even on weekends, so you don’t lose your rhythm and struggle when Monday morning comes around.

So what can you work in to a morning routine that will start driving some real results for you?

First….Don’t Dive Straight into the Phone

Emails, texts and everything demanding your attention is a quick way to get derailed and put you into a reactionary state of mind. The longer you can avoid getting straight into checking all of your notifications, the more intentional you can be with your actions while you’ve carved out some time.

Get in a Workout

An early workout is a great start to any day. During exercise, as the heart and lungs work overtime, the body drives more oxygen and blood to the brain, leading to elevated oxygenation. According to research from the University of Bristol, even a moderate amount of daily exercise increases productivity by an average of 21%.

Build Your Network

I often tell people that I try to “meet” one new person a day. Whether that is in person, through an email or on social media, building your network always pays huge dividends in the long run. Getting a head start to your day, you’ll have some more time to dedicate to finding someone you’d like to reach out to.

Prepare for Major Tasks

Preparedness leads to success in many ways, and I’ve seen a fair share of unnecessary mishaps as a result of a rushed project. Take some time in the morning to review any important notes or information. For example, if you’ve got a presentation coming up in the afternoon, take a moment to read through it, give it a practice run and make any edits that you might realize while you’re working through it.

Learn Something New

We’re all caught up in our busy lives, often juggling a load of challenging tasks during the workday. Nevertheless, it’s crucial to maintain a competitive edge by consistently refining your abilities and learning new things. Take some time in the morning to, read a chapter in a book, listen to a podcast or watch some videos that can impart some wisdom with you. Just think of how much further you’ll be if you take time to learn one new thing a day.

These may seem like minor details, but successful individuals harness their morning routines to achieve significant outcomes. As you get more used to productive mornings, you’ll begin to anticipate bedtime, eager to begin the following day feeling revitalized and prepared. In no time, your positive morning habits will propel you (and your endeavors) toward reaching greater achievements.

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